[飞行汽车 招商加盟随着科技发展,人们生活水平的提高,买车的人越来越多,路少车堵的现象也飞车严重。飞行汽车招商加盟热线:18202161463,邮箱:feiauto@126.com.进入21世纪,全球涌现出几十家飞行汽车创业公司,并从中诞生了多款接近实用化的产品。这个市场的玩家,既包括一些不太知名公司,吉利、空客、波音、斯洛伐克AeroMobil、荷兰 PAL-V、澳大利亚 Pegasus 天马、Uber、Bell 、Opener、Kitty Hawk、Joby Aviation、VerdeGo Aero、亿航(EHang)、德国的Volocopter和Lilium、日本的SkyDrive,也都在研制飞行汽车。英国的超豪华汽车品牌阿斯顿·马丁、丰田汽车、大众和奥迪、戴姆勒集团等,而中国公司也没有缺席,甚至走在了大多数玩家的前面。很多公司都在研发飞行汽车实车目前也会在2019年下半年上市。feiauto未来将会服务与以上的几十家飞行汽车公司,当飞行汽车普及我们会服务更多的飞行汽车公司。我们的未来前景还是不错的。错过电商投资、错过手机支付投资、错过APP投资,错过那么多投资,怎么能在错过飞行汽车投资呢?欢迎有意向的投资者来电咨询:18202161463.




English version
With the development of science and technology and the improvement of people's living standards, more and more people buy cars. The phenomenon of less traffic jams is also serious. Flying car investment hotline: 18202161463, e-mail: feiauto@126.com. Entering the 21st century, dozens of flying car start-ups have sprung up around the world, from which many near-practical products have emerged. Players in this market, including less well-known companies, Geely, Airbus, Boeing, Slovakia AeroMobil, Dutch PAL-V, Australian Pegasus Skyhorse, Uber, Bell, Opener, Kitty Hawk, Joby Aviation, VerdeGo Aero, EHang, German Volocopter and Lilium, Japanese SkyDrive, are also developing flying cars. British super luxury car brands Aston Martin, Toyota Motor, Volkswagen and Audi, Daimler Group, etc., while Chinese companies are not absent, even in front of most players. Many companies are developing real flying cars, which will be on the market in the second half of 2019. Feiauto will serve dozens of flying car companies in the future. When flying cars become popular, we will serve more flying car companies. Our future prospects are good. How can we miss the investment of flying cars if we miss the investment of e-commerce, mobile payment, APP and so on? Interested investors are welcome to call: 18202161463.


Shanghai Shijie Network Co., Ltd. has started to do flying car website in 2016, registered flying car Wechat Public Number in 2017, and developed flying car Baidu applet and flying car Wechat applet in 2019. At present, the feiauto flying car website has a fairly good ranking in China, but also occupies the hottest small program market at present, laying an indestructible foundation for the larger flying car market. Because of the expansion of the company's business, the special merchants joined the dream like-minded people and jointly made the feiauto website better. I believe that your investment in flying car website will give you higher returns in the future. We expect that the flying car market will flourish in 3-5 years and become rich early in investment. Interested parties: 18202161463, e-mail: feiauto@126.com.(文/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com)